Friday, February 1, 2013

Project Write-Up

I. Introduction to Project

Turns out that before I was even in DMA, I already had a blog on this website, which is kind of funny. Creating the blog was not too difficult, for obvious reasons. The most complicated part was organizing the present content on my blog.

II. Self-Assessment

Creating a blog or website is pretty basic if you know exactly what you are going for. In this case, I knew that I wanted to create a thread that was singularly for DMA. I didn't really encounter too many obstacles.

The project helps you with organization and researching topics online.

I will apply the same organization that I developed from this assignment when I'm crewing on a film set- keeping everything in order. Googlesites isn't the most professional, so chances are that I won't be using it to promote my personal work.

Normally I just assess the problem/situation as I'm working instead of waiting to completely understand what I'm doing. Kind of did the same thin for this. I saw that we had to make a blog, and took it step by step along the way.

I followed all of the instructions and accomplished each task, so I think that I did pretty well. I didn't exactly have a lot of available time, but I got the job done.

I would probably try to allow myself more time to work, unfortunately, I'm crewing every week. When I don't have a lot of time, I feel as if my overall presentation of assignments are not to my best potential.

III. Corrections to Work

I am going to try and work out the kinks with my website. I've encountered minor problems that aren't too hard to fix. Just some layout changes.

IV. Conclusion

I'm going to try to step up my work a bit, but it all depends on how much time I am allowed. All in all, I've always wanted a reason to start blogging again, and I'm glad that we are incorporating it into this assignment.

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